Another great adoption update! Bowser was adopted on July 3, 2014 and he is already doing well. Please read below.
Hi Chris!
Bowser is adjusting extremely well! Brandon brought Bowser to see the vet on Thursday afternoon and got a clean bill of health!!! We figured that we might as well get all the stress done in one day so we can concentrate on getting to know each other.
It’s hard to believe that he has only been with us for 3 days!! He is well behaved and listens so well. We had family and friends over yesterday and everyone was impressed with how good and loving he is.
Thank you again for all that you do! We would not have this wonderful new family member with out your dedication and great foster parents like Val and Bill.
Please let Val and Bill know what a wonderful job they did with Bowser and that he is settling in with the family like he has always been here.
Our cats are getting used to him. It is going a lot better with them than we had expected!!! They will be best friends before we know it!!
I will keep you updated on our new life with Bowser!!
Thankfully Yours!
Tammy, Jason and Brandon