Easter 2016: Of Course We Were on the Streets!


Delivering Easter blessings to God’s creatures.


Heather sharing info on the upcoming low-cost shot clinic (April 30th – flyer below).

Keeping pets up-to-date on immunizations is an important part of being a pet owner and we constantly educate the community on this.


This is Bobo with owner Carmela. Bobo had a chain on his neck but now has a nice new collar. Carmela made sure it fit properly. His house is filled with straw and we put lots on the ground to soak up the water.

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Tank was neutered last week. We stopped by to check on him. No one was home but Tank said hello through the window. 🙂


Maggie and family were very happy to see us. Maggie is 9 and a sweet girl. They are grateful for the dog food and cat food.


P.S. As mentioned above…upcoming low-cost shot clinic:

Low Cost Shot Clinic 2016

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