June 22, 2015: Food Assistance

Just three weeks have gone by in June and the Animal Care Network has had 148 calls for food assistance. This is 148 different households, some with multiple animals, dogs and cats!!!

We figure just in food assistance alone in June we have assisted well over 300 dogs and cats and so many pet owners that really needed and appreciate the ACN program.

Please keep in mind, we do not enable dog and cat owners to add to the pet overpopulation. Our assistance guidelines mandate that ALL DOGS AND CATS
in the household be spayed and neutered in order to receive help. No excuses, we provide financial assistance and transportation. Again, no excuses.

Please donate to our Animal Care Network program and help keep the overpopulation

Here are some of the dogs and their owners that we have helped so far in June!















Here are some of the cats and their owners or caretakers that we have helped so far in June!



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