Another week of dogs and cats being surrendered for one reason or another.
Danny Boy, a male neutered 4year old pit bull can climb a six foot fence, jump any fence and get out of any cage, has jumped though windows. After multiple tickets, the owner could not keep him any longer.
Radar is a 6 month old male pit bull that at his young age does not like other animals whatsoever. We were told that previous owners let other dogs attack him for fun, so here we have yet another behavioral problem created by the owners!
Barney was kept in a crate in the basement his entire life, when we picked him up, his white fur was yellow. He is afraid of everything and everyone and needs a home with patience, training and love.
Hitler is the most aggressive dog that we have ever picked up. He was surrendered because he killed two cats, tried to kill their other dog and then started going after the owners. Just three years of age, we have no idea what he went through to become like this.
Many of the large breed dogs that we pick up on Animal Care Network runs have issues due to the lives that they have led before we got them. Sadly, this is every animal shelter and rescue groups challenge. The rescue community too many times ends up with special needs dogs, picks up the pieces and too often must make difficult decisions. We are not miracle workers and there is a shortage of people to adopt or work with challenging dogs.
If you would like to foster a large breed dog with issues, if you would like to adopt a large breed dog with issues please call our office at 248-545-5055. Experience and training is a must!