A big part of the Animal Care Network program is forming relationships with people and forming trust. The volunteers do a phenomenal job of doing this and educating pet owners to the best of their ability.
Baxter’s owners had called for some assistance with food. We put the address on our ongoing, never ending “list”. Our Sue responded. On her first visit she met Baxter, a very
friendly male neutered pit bull that was extremely thin. She spoke with the owners and seeing his condition, of course she asked if they would surrender. They would not and we have no authority to take animals, so the next step is education and assistance. She spoke with them about his weight, proper care and feeding schedules and increasing the food . (yes that should be a given for the owners, but in our target areas it is not always the case)
Rechecks are done at every single address where we have a concern.
Sue worked with these people and on her fourth visit to see Baxter he looks much, much better. We are still working with this family and will continue to monitor, because as we all know things can go downhill again very quickly.
Good work!