January 19, 2015: Working to Educate the Younger Crowd on Spay Neuter

In our target area there are lots and lots of young people that have multiple dogs and cats.

Our volunteers work extremely hard to educate them on spay neuter and with this group it really did pay off.

Between this group of friends and family the Animal Care Network was able to spay and neuter over twenty dogs, cats, puppies and kittens.

These kids all have good intentions, all of the dogs and cats are fed, have good weight and live inside and are loved BUT they all needed to be fixed!!

We really got through to these guys, we even had early spay and neuter on some of the puppies and kittens. Many of the dogs and cats also received much needed vaccines!

ACN was able to offer financial assistance thanks to your donations and a lifesaving spay neuter grant from Best Friends Animal Society!!!!

Life is not always so great for people in our target area but these kids are definitely being responsible pet owners and we greatly admire them!!

Great work team!!


Best Friends Animal Society

working to educate the younger crowd on spay neuter

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