August 7, 2015: Maximus

Maximus was rescued three years ago this month. The Animal Care Network ran into some kids that were dragging Max down the road, they said they were taking him to a dogfight. Thankfully due to some tough talk, we were able to rescue Maximus!

We attempted to follow the kids who all ran, to see where they were going but found nothing, we also reported this to the authorities.

Max was a little unruly at first but with some really great training and patience he turned out to be one of the best dogs in the world. He came from being skinny and scarred up, to being a doggy car model, swimming and thoroughly enjoying his life. He is wonderful with everyone and any other dog big or small that he has met. Some of the little dogs even pick on him and Max gets very intimidated by that and tiptoes around them. He loves to go for car rides and even shares his swimming pool with his girlfriends, and he has many!!! Max is also a wonderful companion and good company for his owner.

We wish that every dog rescued could have a happy ending like this.


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