The Animal Care Network teams run into all kinds of situations while checking on backyard dogs. Sadly it is not against the law to keep dogs chained up outside 24/7 so the volunteers do their best to educate, assist, rescue, remedy and often times call upon Oakland County Animal Control in situations that require their follow up.
Oakland County Animal Control has their work but out for them in our target area
and we work very closely with them on many addresses. As we have said in the past, better to work together than work against each other. This partnership can only benefit the dogs that we are trying to help and the owners that we are trying to educate!
Water is a huge problem, so many of these dogs are so thirsty they will drink three or four bowls of water while the team is there.
Tangled dogs are another problem. Volunteer stress to the owners to give these dogs time off the chain, whether it be going for a walk, letting them run around the yard if fenced or bringing them inside for a break from the monotony. Sadly this does not happen and often
times it is the team that finds the dogs so tangled they can barely move.
Tight, heavy collars and chains are also a problem and the teams try to offer other options for that as well.
Great work teams!