We hope and pray for a better winter than years past
We hope and pray that people will bring their animals in.
We hope and pray that we do not find dozens of dying or dead dogs and cats
We hope and pray that we don’t have to photograph dogs that have curled up in their doghouses on the end of a chain to die alone.
We hope and pray that if people don’t want their dogs or cats, they will take them to a shelter, rescue group or call someone to pick them up. Not just “let them go” or leave them chained or tied up in the backyard.
We hope and pray that we do not have to rush dying dogs and cats to the emergency clinics to end their suffering.
We hope and pray that people won’t get nasty with us when we ask them to bring their pets inside.
We hope and pray that we do not find puppies and dogs frozen to the ground but still alive.
We hope and pray that we do not find frozen dogs with straw and garbage coming out of their mouths, because that was their last meal.
We hope and pray that people have compassion
If none of these hopes and prayers come true, we will still do what we do, because that is what we do!
To donate go to: https://www.crowdrise.com/maan2014winterfundraiser/fundraiser/michigananimaladopti
If you would like to donate via Paypal or check, go to our website at www.michigananimaladoptionnetwork.org