All of us at the Animal Care Network miss Cindy Merz and Ken Snow every single day. Winter is the time that drives us even more to get out there and help the animals. Cindy and Ken were two of the most driven, compassionate and devoted in our group!
Cindy, hooking up her trailer and filling it with bales of straw all by herself. We would follow behind her and stop at every single address where we saw a dog or a doghouse. She was a one-woman machine with the biggest heart we have ever known. Cindy (during her struggle with cancer) hit the streets every chance she got and always said “it makes me feel better” to be out there helping the community and the animals.
Ken would also be out on the streets, taking these winter outings very seriously, delivering doghouses, repairing doghouses and putting them on wooden pallets. He and his team not stopping until all the addresses were done! Also available at a moments notice to order, pick up and deliver much needed dog food and other supplies. This project was also very meaningful to him and very dear to his heart.
There is and always will be a void in our lives due to the great loss of Cindy and Ken. A deep loss to all who knew them, friends and animals alike.
We remember the moments in these photographs like they
were just yesterday and treasure them.
Cindy and Ken we miss you everyday and think about you all the time. We may not be able to see you, but we know that you are there, and ALWAYS in our hearts.