Poppie was rescued one year ago from a very, very bad situation.
He was living in a backyard, chained and tangled with no shelter. He was literally sitting on a bunch of broken glass on a cold, wet, snowy day. The ACN was called by neighbors that were concerned about him. Upon arrival the owners came out and angrily brought him inside. They would not consider or even think about giving him up and were not happy with our presence.
We left our card and said if anything changes, please call.
Well guess what? They did not call. Not long after our visit the owners moved out of the house and left Poppie in the backyard. The kind neighbor once again worried, brought him to their house and assumed the owners were coming back for him. Guess again,
after two weeks no return, no calls and no contact by the owner.
The ACN was called again and Poppie was rescued and out of that situation.
Poppie was adopted by our friends and supporters, the Tompor’s and what a life he is now living.
He is spoiled rotten, goes shopping at the pet store, sleeps in the bed, gets walked every single day and is very much loved by his family.
What a difference in Poppie’s life and an equally as meaningful difference in his new owner’s life.