When the Animal Care Network gets a call about a litter of puppies, we don’t just go get the puppies and walk away……never! We have to address the situation with the mother and father dogs as well!
Someone called about picking up some “leftover” mixed puppies that they could not find homes for. Of course we will take them, we wished that we could have got the entire litter of twelve, but eight had already been passed out, given away.
We were able to get the four remaining puppies and spoke with the owner about the mom and dad dogs. This was our first dealing with this family, who simply did not know about the Animal Care Network program until now.
They were all for not only getting the mother dog done, but getting the father dog done as well, thanks to our gift of persuasion and education!
So thanks to a life-saving grant from Best Friends Animal Society we were able to offer them financial assistance and mom and dad were fixed that following week.
Also a big thank you to the Michigan Animal Rescue League for taking these darling mixed puppies. They too, will be spayed and neutered before adoption.
We definitely did our best to stop the cycle in this family!!!