Every single dog and cat that gets #spayed, #neutered is a step in the right direction towards No More Homeless Pets.
Every single puppy and kitten that gets fixed counts!!
Our spay and neuter program, in partnership with Michigan Animal Rescue League, Michigan Humane Society, All About Animals Rescue, Ross Hospital for Animals keeps us very busy.
All breeds, males, females, all ages, all sizes, young and old!!! We are trying to get all the dogs and cats in our target area spayed and neutered.
Here are many wonderful, thankful pet owners that got their dogs and cats fixed through this vital program! Let’s not forget the free nail trim that All About Animals includes!!!
Pit bulls big and small, Beagles, Pugs, Dachshunds, Boston Terriers, Shihtzus, Chihuahuas, adults, puppies, cats and kittens. We had a mighty fine showing of all breeds, all ages and all sizes for this transport.
We cannot broadcast enough how important and productive these programs and these clinics are!!!