In February we told the story of Squiggy, whom Heather and Kathy discovered on an Animal Care Network run during the bitter subzero cold, very close to death. Because of the two of them calling upon Oakland County Animal Control, Squiggy was confiscated immediately due to the severity of his condition and taken to Oakland County Animal Care Center to be cared for.
The group Voiceless-MI, heard about this dog and went to bat for him. Oakland County ended up transferring Squiggy to Voiceless, who immediately began some pretty amazing work with him, even making a video of his training and progress (which we previously posted).
Last weekend Heather, the original savior, who took this strikingly poignant picture with this dog in the backyard, got to see Squiggy at a rally in Lansing and as you can see he is doing awesome.
Thanks to all at Voiceless-MI, who not only took him into their rescue, but has spent serious time working with and training Squiggy who is now neutered and healthy.
See before and after pictures of Heather and Squiggy!! From the back yard to the front row! From near death to loving life!
As all of us in animal rescue and welfare know, we cannot save them all, as hard as we try, many of the dogs and cats are not as lucky as Squiggy. It is stories like this and amazing team work that encourage us to continue this very difficult and heartbreaking work. This is truly a story of a dog that went from hell to heaven!