Meet the prettiest and friendliest dog on the block, Jada! Her area looks a little bleaker in this picture than it actually is…she pulled the swimming pool cover over and found some interior designer skills she didn’t know she had. Her doghouse has been shoved to the side while the back fence is being worked on. And once the inground swimming pool is completely drained, Jada will be a free backyard roaming dog once more!
Honorable Mention: As we were walking out of the gate, one of the young grand kids at the house darted back in to make sure Jada could reach her bone, that it wasn’t the water bowl that was overturned, and to give her some more love. Why Honorable Mention a seemingly no brainer, you might ask? Because this act was unprompted, because Jaden is 5 years old, and because we are more likely to see kids standing around doing nothing while dogs hang by chain against a fence gagging, than what this little kid instinctively did.
The “ACN Prize Bag” was empty that day (infrequent use) …but hey, thanks Jaden for reawakening our faith in kids and getting our butts in gear: you will be digging in the bag and picking out something (hopefully) cool when we return.
Why? Because you thought on your own and were kind to an animal. That’s why.