Foster homes are always and greatly needed for any rescue group or animal shelter.
Fostering is not only fun, but very beneficial for the animals that are in them.
The dogs and cats can be evaluated to see exactly what type of a home they would do best in, if they have fears or issues with certain people, men or children. The more information you have on a dog or cat, the better it is to find the right fit in a permanent home, nobody likes to give new pet owners surprises or bad experiences when they adopt a pet.
Many benefits are:
You can find out if they get along well with other dogs and cats
You can help determine if they animal is adoptable or not, or needs special circumstances
You can find out if they are crate trained, litter trained or housebroken or if they still need work
You can find out if they like to ride in the car or get car sick
You can find out if they know how to walk on a leash or need to learn
You can help an unsocial dog or cat warm up to people and get used to different, new situations and environments
You can participate and improve their training and manners
You can find out if a dog is able to jump or climb a fence
You can find out if they are food aggressive or toy aggressive
You can help recuperate a sick, malnourished or injured dog or cat
The dogs or cats get lots of attention from the neighbors wanting to see them and say hello
You can foster short term or long term
You can watch the spirit of an abused dog or cat come alive
You can foster a senior animal until it is their time
You can foster puppies and kittens until they can get vaccinated and spayed and neutered (many puppies/kittens that come from a poor environment need to be monitored for several weeks due to various viruses they may have been exposed to)
You can find out their likes, dislikes and quirks
Yes, it is difficult to let them go after becoming attached, but you realize that you have helped them. You have prepared them to go into a permanent home. Once that animal goes to his/her new home, you can make room to take on another needy animal!
Many times foster homes are needed at the last minute, without notice!
Please contact our organization or your local rescue group or shelter to ask about being a foster home.
Michigan Animal Adoption Network and the Animal Care Network program: 248-545-5055