ACN volunteers are amazing, this winter has already been tough and it is only January, but the teams are out regularly checking on as many dogs and cats as possible. We have found dogs living in airline carriers filled with snow, dogs chains so tangled they cannot reach their houses, dogs with no shelter, no straw, doghouses filled with snow. It just breaks our hearts to see these poor animals, shaking, lifting their paws up and so
very hungry and thirsty.
If the people will not give up the animals, we do our best to make them comfortable and warm for the time being and try to educate owners about the dangers of cold weather on these animals and to please bring them inside.
Much time is spent stuffing doghouses with straw, fixing tangled chains, feeding and talking to people about spay neuter. We even bring our own jugs of water to make sure every animal gets to drink!
The ACN is regularly sending out press releases to all of the media outlets regarding the cold weather and pets and have already had several articles in the paper and on television. We ask that the pets be mentioned also in the weather reports.
Any address that warrant reporting to the authorities, we do so immediately.
Here are some photos from one of the ACN runs.