February 5, 2013: So cold the past weekend

The ACN made 105 stops in the last three days from morning til dark helping as many outdoor animals as possible.

Kathy, Heather, Frankie and Megan braved the streets in frigid temperatures for the animals.

We stuffed straw into dozens of doghouses, put doghouses on pallets and fed and watered many hungry thirsty animals, and of course demanding/asking that the owners bring
the dogs inside, which we know may or may not happen.

If the owners do bring them inside, we are so happy for the dog If they will not bring them inside, at least we have made them a little warmer, a little more comfortable, a little full and a little loved!

At many addresses when the owners were being aggressive, the teams had to call Animal Control or the Sheriff’s Department for help and attention to some dogs in trouble. More stories to come………..


February 5 2013 PicMonkey Collage



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