Meet Sadie, Sammy, Sookie, Zep and Callie!
Unfortunately many of the dogs in our target areas do not live out their
full lives in the same home. Many times, the dogs are given away, taken to
a shelter, hit by car, stolen or die from other various tragedies.
There is a very small percentage of dogs that we watch grow old in the same homes,
and this is one of those good stories!
Sadie and Sammy were spayed for this great couple over 7 years ago, they have
moved several times and always kept their dogs with them.
Last year they rescued the three white pitbulls in very bad shape, they nursed
them back to health and called ACN to help get them fixed. They were all fixed
and vaccinated through the ACN spay neuter program and as you can see are all
doing great. Oh and by the way, all these dogs live in the house.
The ACN helps them with food whenever they need it. Sadie is 12 years old now,
so we also give them canned food for her!
We appreciate families like these that really do the right thing on behalf of these awesome dogs!
We also appreciate when they spread the word about spay neuter to family and friends.
ACN also had the sons two pitbulls spayed and neutered!