This weekend the ACN had three teams out making over 70 visits, wellness checks, food assistance, etc.
Thank you to Colleen and Mark, two new volunteers, that joined the Sunday team that was out from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Doghouses were delivered, houses were put on pallets and stuffed full with straw since the temperatures will be dropping to the teens and single digits in the next week. Pet owners were all given our educational packets and talked to about the weather and spay neuter.
What a sad lonely life many of these dogs have, the most excitement they have had in awhile is when the team comes to visit. Unfortunately this is the life that many of them are living. We always offer rescue, we always ask the owners to bring the dogs inside, give them some exercise and educate to the best of our ability, but as we have learned many of them will remain in this situation for years to come. And once again, at least for a day, the team has made a difference in their life, making them warmer, making their tails wag, some food and water and giving them some very much needed love, attention and compassion.
Great job team!