Thanks to All About Animals once again for another successful December spay neuter
We were able to spay and neuter 43 cats and dogs in two days with All About Animals
providing transportation for pet owners from their Auburn Hills clinic to their Warren clinic!
We were able to persuade one family to get not only the mother pit bull spayed but the
six puppies fixed before they gave them away. We are constantly being told by owners
that they have good homes for all the puppies and that the new owners are going to have
them fixed, but unfortunately our statistics show the percentage of this happening are
very low.
The ACN seeks out families that need help in our targets area and we work with them every
single day to get these animals fixed!!!
This is 43 less dogs and cats that will be reproducing. This also decreases the chances
of health and behavior problems. Less litters equal less homeless animals and a step forward
to everyone’s goal of no more homeless pets!
Thanks to your donations and spay/neuter grants we are able to offer this service
to pet owners at a very discounted price and many times for free for those that
cannot afford anything.