Here are just some very happy pet owners and their dogs!
They all just got spayed and neutered through the ACN spay neuter program and are extremely happy!
It is so nice and refreshing when an owner calls the ACN dispatch phone and simply “wants their dog fixed”. No arguing, no bickering, no disputing, no myths, they just want to have their dog spayed or neutered. It makes our job so much easier, we just take their information and pets information, make the appointment, provide transportation, the owners that take their own animals actually SHOW UP and smooth sailing, their animal is fixed and will be better and healthier because of it!
These are the moments that we love!!!
Meet Panda, Leona and Princess, Joseph and Sassy, and Nay and Conan.
It is always a pleasure working with these owners and being able to assist them and their awesome dogs!!!
We hope and pray that all of our spay and neuter education, advice, persuading, convincing, talking, guidelines and literature will get every owner to this place someday!!!