Just getting home on a Sunday evening after another brutal ACN weekend in Pontiac……
I can’t figure out if I am more angry, more sad, more heartbroken, more disgusted or just plain sick to my stomach and mentally exhausted. I brought home a van full of rescue animals which are finally all settled in, safe and warm.
Pitbulls and pitbull puppies everywhere, pitbull puppies being sold at garage sales, sick and dying pitbull puppies left on the side of the road in a feces/vomit filled crate, pitbull puppies being starved then dumped in a field, a mother pitbull giving birth to 15 puppies, only to refuse to nurse them and proceed to attack and kill them, pitbull puppies with parvo, a pitbull with a bullet hole in her leg, pitbulls with horrible wounds, mange, urine burn, blinding cherry eye, you name it, we saw it this weekend. Not to mention the routine cold, starving and thirsty dogs that we visit, and the skinny stray dogs that we were unable to catch after a valiant effort, dogs that wanted nothing to do with humans because they had clearly lost their trust in us.
At just 5 addresses, we came across 54 pitbull puppies!! Boy when it rains, it sure
does pour!
Yes, we were able to rescue many of them, but not all of them sadly. Some we had
to leave behind, some we had no choice but to alleviate their suffering, some are in
foster homes or shelters doing well.
Can any of us afford to buy a litter of pitbull puppies for $250.00 each? So hard to walk away…
We were unable to save a huge litter of one day old puppies rejected and attacked by the mother, some were already dead and the rest were dying. We were unable to save several parvo puppies that were too far gone, even with veterinary consult and Tamiflu. We will not prolong their suffering.
Sometimes it helps to write about it. When we rescue this many animals in one weekend it is always challenging and nearly impossible to find a place for everyone, we also have to make difficult decisions for the animals that are suffering and in pain. We want to do right
by them AND be right by their side.
As anyone in animal rescue knows we will always have to take the good with the bad. To make up for the sad endings, there are always some good, happy endings, just not as many as we would like to see.
The ACN continues to do the best that we can for these animals with the resources that we have. If you would like be on our list as a foster home for dogs and puppies please contact the office at 248-545-5055 or please make a donation to our organization.
One thing that I do know for sure, as difficult and heartbreaking as the days can be, the Animal Care Network’s amazing volunteers WILL NOT give up on Pontiac and will continue to march on with our mission, as we have since 1994.
Are we the only ones that have not abandoned “the abandoned” in the City of Pontiac?
If not us, then who?