Meet Flea the much beloved feline, Caine the bull terrier mix and Baby the lil pittie girl!
Thanks to a generous donation that keeps on giving from Diana at Kush Painting in Roseville, funds were available to get these 3 transported to All About Animals and fixed!
Baby in particular was thrilled as her last litter produced 12 puppies. That’s much to exhausting for any mommy.
And we can’t forget to thank our Inkster volunteer Ron who not only always transports both ways, but always does so without whining or hurling any profanity. And the potential for whining, along with the other, are bountiful. 5am pickups…not dropping them off until 6pm…people not answering the door when we arrive or being home when we return. And then not wanting to leave them there, at the homes where we have to return them to.
Thankfully, all 3 of these guys get to live in loving and caring homes. Just look at Flea…he even has clothes!
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