This story is simple. Why? Because its so typical and has been told over n over ad nauseum.
I’m cute! My name is Duster! My Mama’s owner wanted her to have “just one litter.” Did she love me and my 5 siblings? Absolutely…for all of 5 weeks that she was allowed to be a mommy to us. (Her owner believed the myth that as soon as we were eating, we were ok to leave her guidance and the invaluable play time with our brothers and sisters.)
But my Mama knew our inevitable fate. And wanting only good things for her kids, I’m sure she wished she had been spayed before she had to be separated from us too soon and watch us each leave with one sketchy character after another.
As I was carted away with “a good person and family friend,” I watched her just standing there, still on her chain. She was leaning forward as far as she possibly could, with the frantic stare of a Mothers heart breaking, as she tried to get one last look at me before I disappeared into the abyss. The abyss, the depth of hell she knew my life would become.
One of my siblings died before he was 3 weeks. He got in the way during an argument and was stepped on. *And the other 3 are already in trouble at their new homes. And me? Well, I’m lucky. I’m the one Animal Care Network already knew about and when I became too much work, they were called. Good timing too as I was already being slapped around, tied to a door with a leash…believe it or not these are the usual things we pups go thru. Rites of passage before we are completely screwed by training tactics and wind up on chains. Inevitable. Typical.
So, simple story. Typical story. Female dog “needs one litter.”
So hey Duster! Good to be you!
(and its always good to cute.)
* the other pups have been tracked down and we are hopeful they will be surrendered to us.