December 26 – December 29, 2012 – Texas Holdem, proceeds donated to M.A.A.N.
3:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Big Beaver Tavern
645 E. Big Beaver
Troy, MI
For more information about charitable gaming:
October 13, 2012 – Vaccine Clinic
Wow, what can we say to all of our amazing volunteers, participants and everyone
involved in Saturday’s semi-annual Pontiac vaccine clinic? What an amazing group of people!
Thanks to everyone, 692 dogs and cats were vaccinated in very bad weather! It was raining pretty much the entire day, cold and windy but our team perservered and so did the hundreds of pet owners that came from all over Michigan to get their dogs and cats vaccinated.
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October 6, 2012 – Liberty Bar fundraiser for the Animal Care Network
Had fun and raised money for the animals.
For more information:
October 5, 6, 7, 2012 – Motown Invitational Classic
September 22 – 23, 2012 – Meet your best friend at the Zoo adoption event
10: a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day
Detroit Zoo – parking lot
Bowl-4-Animal Rescue – August 11, 2012
Vaccine Clinic – April 21, 2012 was a big success!