Animal Care Network reminds people to take care of their pets during extreme heat
Posted: 05/25/2012
By: Jennifer Dotson
SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) – It’s going to be a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend, but it’s also going to be Hot! Hot! Hot!

With temperatures expected to reach into the 90s this weekend, the Animal Care Network is reminding pet owners to make sure their animals stay cool. The agency says its already encountered cats and dogs this week, that are suffering from heat stroke in Pontiac and Inkster.
Experts say heat stroke can happen in as little as ten minutes, which is why you should avoid vigorous exercise and walking with your pet. Also, don’t leave Fido in the car and make sure fresh, cool water is available at all times.
Other ideas include keeping your pet in a shaded area, or even putting out a “kiddie” pool for your pet to cool off.
If you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stroke look for these signs:
- Increased temperature
- Vigorous panting, thick saliva
- Dark red gums
- Lying down and unwilling or unable to get up
- Collapse and/or loss of consciousness
- Dizziness or disorientation
If your pet is suffering from heat stroke, get your pet out of the sun right away.
You can try cooling your pet down by placing a cool washcloth or towel over your pets body, especially around the head and paws.
If all else fails, get to your veterinarian right away.
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