Cold Weather Tips for Your Pets
Slight warmup expected for the week ahead
Updated: Monday, 24 Jan 2011, 12:36 AM EST
Published : Sunday, 23 Jan 2011, 9:30 AM EST
MyFoxDetroit.com – Temperatures are in the single digits. Not only is is dangerous for humans, it’s also dangerous for your four legged friends. Watch Fox 2 News morning starting at 4:30am for the latest forecast.
Here are some tips from the Animal Care Network :
*If you know anyone who keeps pets outdoors, persuade them to bring them inside.
*Low temperatures, winds and precipitation can lead to illness, hypothermia and death.
*Water bowls freeze in cold weather.
*Dogs and cats can suffer from frostbite in a matter of minutes, mainly on feet, ears and tails.
*Local laws require that if dogs are kept outdoors, the owner must supply the dog with “proper” shelter from the weather:
*Dog house that is not oversized, since the dog needs to retain body heat
*A wind flap on the dog house door
*Plenty of dry straw and access to fresh, unfrozen water.
*Snow is not sufficient to hydrate animals.
*Doghouses must be elevated off the ground so they dont freeze on the bottom.
*Blankets and towels only freeze when used in a doghouse
*Double up on food intake during cold weather, extra weight keeps them warmer
* If you see a dog in need of a help, become that dog’s advocate. Speak with the owner, and if that fails to improve the situation, contact your local animal shelter, humane society or animal control office.
* Please keep cats inside. Felines who spend time outside can freeze, or get lost or injured