February 21, 2015: Jade’s Spay

Ann really needed some help with her dog Jade.  Jade was having some female problems very common in pit bulls and needed to be spayed as soon as possible.  Ann barely had any money and her car had broke down.

The Animal Care Network provided financial assistance so that Jade could get spayed and vaccinated and also provided transportation to get her to and from the vet.

Jade is a super friendly girl that does not like being in a crate/cage.  While we were transporting her back home from the vet, we looked in the rear view mirror and here comes Jade.  She broke out of the cage, made her way up to the front and curled up on the passenger seat the whole way home, talk about separation anxiety.  I had just met her that day.  Now Jade will be a much healthy girl and her owner is very thankful for that!!!


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