The Animal Care Network was honored to have Oakland County Commissioner David Bowman join street Team Marie, John and Tracy on the Sunday Pontiac Animal Care Network run. Commissioner Bowman has District 10 in Oakland County which
is Pontiac, one of our target areas.
What a great opportunity to share with him the plight of the animals in this city and give him a first hand view of what we are up against out on the streets every single day during our continued fight for the dogs and cats.
It was also great to show him what our organization does and make him aware of the community service that our team has been providing to Pontiac for over twenty years.
We are very thankful that Commissioner Bowman took the time and interest to join the team. We are very hopeful that together we can bring about positive change for the animals in our little corner of the world.
Many thanks to Commissioner Bowman!! It was a great day and hopefully an eye opener.
Great work as always team!