Sadly in our target areas, small dogs are abused and neglected just as much as the big dogs but in a different manner.
They are let outside to run the streets, never groomed, underfed and unsocialized.
Meet Roy, Roy’s owner died and he ended up with a family in our target area, who asked the Animal Care Network to pick him up.
Thankfully we were able to get this little guy into the Michigan Animal Rescue League to be cared for and eventually adopted when ready.
Upon attempting to clean him up, we found that Roy’s nails hadn’t
been clipped in so long, they had curled over and several of them were actually grown into the pads of his feet, imagine how much that hurt. We were able to clip all the nails and MARL got veterinary care for him immediately. Several of the pads of his
poor little feet were bloody, raw and infected. Roy endured this entire procedure with patience and only got feisty a couple of times.
Good boy Roy!